
Tyson Hoheisel
  • Building 100%
  • Framing 95%
  • Painting 78%
  • Flooring 80%

Tyson Hoheisel

Ben Gagner
  • Flooring (Tile, Hardwood) 100%
  • Building Homes 100%
  • Framing 100%
  • Siding 100%
  • Foundations 100%
  • Roofing 100%
  • Sheetrock 100%
  • Plumbing 100%
  • Lighting 100%
  • Lighting (Electrical) 100%
  • Handrails & Decks 100%
  • Handrails & Decks 100%
  • Installing Cabinets & Trimwork 100%

Ben Gagner


Benjamin Gagner is one of the senior partners at GNH Construction. He has been building and renovating homes for over 19 years with 11 of them owning his own business.  Working in construction has taken Ben to Mexico and the Philippines on volunteer building trips and he has worked as GNH construction in WA, GA and CA with his business currently operating out of Northern California, specifically in Redding. Ben’s passion is new construction and working with a client to build their dream house. He also enjoys renovating and rejuvenating older homes to bring a new change and fresh look to the neighborhood. Ben enjoys sports of all kinds and currently plays softball with the Bethel team here in Redding. He loves to get out and about in the great outdoors and loves visiting his family who live in WA, CA and GA.

Flooring, Tile, hardwood , framing , siding, windows, foundations,  roofing, Sheetrock , plumbing, light electrical, decks and handrails , painting , installing cabinets, and trim work , fencing , stairs and handrails.